Christians Up a Tree

Christians up a tree? In this edition of the podcast, Pastor Mark shares how many believers are living in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, instead of the Tree of Life.

Just as the serpent deceived Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden, so is he still deceiving believers today. “Has God said” are still the words of doubt that are whispered to call into question the absolute finality of the work that Christ accomplished on the cross.

The serpent deceived Eve and still deceives Christians today

In spite of all of Paul’s teaching that those who are born-again are new creations, the pulpits of many churches are content to teach with a focus on trying to get folks to be “good enough” to maintain a relationship with God. Getting our eyes off of Jesus and His sacrifice for our sins, and shifting our focus onto our own failures, is a slick deception. Certainly it is well-intended by those who preach, but it keeps believers bound in a state of guilt and shame.

Just as Adam and Eve hid from God because they were ashamed, many Christians do the same thing, not knowing or not believing that God loves them without end. Not understanding what happened when Jesus died and rose from the dead.

Listen as Pastor Mark teaches the truth of the finished work of Christ, and encourages Christians to get down from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and live in the Tree of Life, Jesus.

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