Take Off Your Mask

Take off your mask. These four words swept throughout the country a few days ago and people are responding with a collective sigh of relief. The joy of being able to step into the fresh air and simply breathe without a mask is exhilarating.

Wearing a mask is not new. It has been going on since Adam and Eve covered themselves in the Garden of Eden after eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Throughout the entirety of human existence, we have been wearing emotional masks.

Why Wear a Mask?

Why do we wear emotional masks? It is for the same reason Adam and Eve covered themselves: fear. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we wear surgical masks or other face-coverings out of a fear that we might be infected. We wear emotional masks out of a fear of being hurt, rejected, not liked, etc.

A mask in theater is common, to hide the actor or actress or display an emotion.

Take Pastor Mark’s Challenge

In the episode of the Fueled by Grace podcast, Pastor Mark gives a simple challenge that will help us take off our emotional masks. This challenge will help us be who we really are, free from the fear that causes us to wear a mask with God and with others. It is a guaranteed life-changer!

Permanent link to this article: https://fueledbygrace.com/take-off-your-mask/

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  1. […] Listen as Mark shares how to change this mindset and apply it to Bible illustrations and our self-talk that defines who we are or who we think we are. […]

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